
GitHub - jely2002youtube-dl

A cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron and node.js. Features: Be sure to check out a demo gif of the application!


A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl media downloader written in wxPython. Supported sites Screenshots


A cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron and Node.js. With this app you can download videos and playlists in all kind of formats.


Description. A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython. Screenshots. Downloads. Source (zip) · Source (tar) · Windows ...

FB 等網站影片和音樂的免費開源下載器(youtube

yt-dlg 可下載YouTube、FB 等網站影片和音樂的免費開源下載器(youtube-dl GUI). 點我前往yt-dlg 網站. yt-dlg 的安裝檔在官網尚可以下載,也有上架於微軟 ...

yt-dlp GUI Guide - ryoutubedl Wiki

r/youtubedl: Learn about various yt-dlp GUIs for easier video downloads. Find the best GUI for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.

Can someone help me with the GUI version? How to download and ...

Just look for Download link for the latest version (64 bit) on the main page there, assuming you're using Windows 10. You just download it, extract it into a ...

youtube-dl-gui 3.2.3 3.3.0 Beta Download Free

youtube-dl-gui is a video streaming downloader. This program simplifies the youtube-dl application by rg3, and gives it a user friendly interface for ...

開源線上影片下載工具youtube-dl gui

那你可以改用youtube-dl. Youtube-dl Gui. 官網在這 · Github. youtube-dl gui 目前只有Windows 版(還有沒中文),在官網下載Installer 即可安裝. 下載完 ...


你說打指令你不會用? 那你可以改用youtube-dl gui 或是Hitomi Downloader ... 安裝後下載Windows.exe 搬到預設應用程式的位置. %USERPROFILE%-AppData ...



peggo 不能用,10 款 YouTube 影音下載替代方案

peggo 不能用,10 款 YouTube 影音下載替代方案
